The Retirement Newsletter: How’s your retirement plan going?
Issue Number: -120 — Time for a quarterly review

As I sat down to write this newsletter, I thought there was something significant about issue -120, that is, 120 weeks until I retire.
And then it struck me. It's time for a quarterly review of my progress on my retirement plan.
So, in this newsletter, I will look at how things are going.
I have covered planning in-depth:
In the issue, I looked at how I made plans to get to my desired retirement date. Issue -133 was followed with:
Where I looked at using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to plan for my retirement.
And in Issue -131:
I looked at things a little more closely.
And now it is time for a quarterly review. Where do I stand?
Quarterly review
Aș I said in Issue -131, the SWOT analysis had identified three main areas of focus:
Plus, SWOT revealed a fourth area, the 'Life' list.
The money list was long and complicated and contained three sub-lists:
Debt — credit cards, car debt, and mortgage.
Pension — what condition was it in, and what could I do to improve it?
Extra-income — could I generate extra income to help reduce my debt, improve my pension pot and also give me some little extra 'luxuries' in my retirement?
So, how is it going?
Debt: All credit card and my car debt are cleared. And I am mortgage-free. However, I can see car debt returning before I retire, and there is the possibility of a mortgage being needed at some point. I’ll look at mortgages more in a later issue.
Pension: Pension pots look OK, although recent increases in tax in the UK may have an impact, and I will be exploring that in a later newsletter.
Extra-income: This is something I have been chasing for years, and while I do make a little extra money through some side-hustles, by the time the tax man has taken his cut, there is not much left. Maybe my side-hustles need ramping up?
Out of the four lists, I am happy with how Debt and Pensions are moving, but I have some concerns over the Pension list due to some recent tax changes, and I need to do something about 'Extra-income'.
The job list is done.
I started my retirement plan a few years ago, and I had two things on my job list:
Current job — pros and cons. Should I stay, or should I go? What could I do to improve my current job, improve my retirement chances and boost my pension pot?
New job — pros and cons of getting a new job.
I had done a 'pros and cons' on staying in my current job and changing. And, changing jobs was the better option, and that is what I did — I changed jobs.
So, the Job list is finished. Tick, done.
OK, on the Health list, I have made some progress, but it is a short list consisting of:
General Health — drop some weight and get fit.
Health Check — any problems I should know about?
I had a health check (see Issue -122: The Retirement Newsletter: How is your health?) and things were OK. Blood pressure was a little high — but doesn't need meds. Blood work was OK — no issues. The nurse told me to drop some weight. General fitness, OK.
So, I must shed a few pounds. However, Covid hasn’t helped and weight is moving in the wrong direction.
The longest list I have is the 'Life' list, which consists of:
Family — things I needed to do that were linked to my family and my retirement.
Relationships — that one surprised me! Things I needed to fix or improve in my relationships.
Stuff — these were weird things that I needed to do, everything from decluttering to house maintenance.
And this is the list on which I have made the least progress. I have made some headway with 'Family' and 'Relationships' — but it is finding the time to deal with these issues. And as for' Stuff', yes, I did some house maintenance, but I have made no progress on decluttering.
Over the next few months, I need to focus on 'Life' list more.
OK, things are on track.
One list, Job, is done. The Money list is getting there, but the tax issue (see a later newsletter) and the 'extra-income' issue (again, I will be looking at this in a later newsletter) need some work. Health is progressing but needs more improvement in the weight area! And the problem list is 'Life' — I need to tackle that list.
Right, let's see where I am at the end of my next quarter.
How are your plans going?
OK, first off, I want to say that I am not a financial advisor. I am writing about what I have read over the years about money and preparing to retire. This is not financial advice.
A couple of weeks ago, the UK government announced changes to UK taxation that will impact how much money we will have when we retire.
In a later newsletter, I will look at how these tax changes could impact my pension.
Please note I am not a financial advisor. I am writing about what I have read over the years about money and preparing to retire. This is not financial advice.
Useful links
UK Government Website — How to avoid pension scams
Next week
Next week I will explain how I did the pension income maths in issue -125 — The Retirement Newsletter: How much money will I need for an Essential, Moderate (Comfortable) or Luxury retirement? — to come up with the gross income figures for retirement.
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Until next time,
PS, If you have something you would like to contribute to the newsletter — a story, advice, anything — please get in touch.