The Retirement Newsletter: Getting ready for Christmas 2024
Issue Number: 185 (38) — Where does the time go?
Welcome to issue 185 (38) — Getting ready for Christmas 2024.
It seems like I retired only last week. I cannot believe it has been nearly nine months, yet here we are heading towards Christmas. It doesn’t seem possible.
Christmas Past
Another thing that doesn’t seem possible is that this year is my fourth (yes, fourth) Christmas Prep Retirement Newsletter.
The first three were:
Where does the time go?
Christmas Present
And I mean in time, not in gifts.
In Issue Number: -110 — Ramping up for Christmas, I shared my 12 tips for Christmas, which are still relevant, and I will repeat them here:
Don't try to eat more than your body weight in turkey, chocolate, or any food.
Don't try to drink more than your body’s volume in alcohol. It's not big, not clever, and won't end well.
A very serious one – if you do drink, don't drive.
Cook the turkey correctly. Poorly cooked turkeys frequently cause food poisoning during the festive period.
Watch out, watch out, COVID-19 is still about!
Watch out, watch out, there are some other nasty viruses out there. In particular, there seems to be a lot of flu doing the rounds.
Go for a walk. The Christmas break is a great time to walk if the weather is nice. Nothing is better than walking across frozen fields on a sunny winter day — lovely! Walking is good for your physical and mental health — get out there and enjoy yourself.
Don't try to make the turkey last too long. Even though it is cooked, it will spoil, and you will eat an unhealthy mix of turkey and bacteria — best avoided, unless you enjoy food poisoning.
Don't spend all your time vegging in front of the television. Too much sitting down and relaxing can be bad for you. Avoid becoming a couch potato.
If you are not retired, take some time off work. Post an out-of-office message on your email, turn off the computer and work-related phone notifications, and relax.
Money is always a challenge over Christmas, and there is the temptation to overspend on gifts and food. Don’t! Think about your pension pot. If you are retired, don’t blow your pension on gifts for others. Spend the money on yourself. You deserve it.
Plan. I don't know what it's like in the rest of the world, but travel in the UK around Christmas can be a nightmare due to weather or planned work on the roads and railways. My advice? Plan ahead, or don't travel.
If you have any Christmas tips, please share them in the comments.
Also, remember to check your hot water bottle to see if it needs replacing.
Which one of these three would you use?
If you look at Issue Number: -58, you will find out how to check your hot water bottles to see if they are still in date and safe to use.
Christmas Future
Who knows what future Christmases will bring? My advice is to make the most of your Christmas this year, as you never know what your future Christmases will be like.
I’m sorry to end on such a gloomy note; I think it is important to seize the moments and enjoy them while we can in our retirements.
And that was even more gloomy. Sorry…..
Merry Christmas!
This week in the Retirement Hustle
This week in The Retirement Side Hustle, I look at how I edit videos using Camtasia — Video editing - working with Camtasia.
In the video, I give a quick overview of video editors and then explain how I use Camtasia to produce what I describe as instructional videos.
The Retirement Side Hustle Newsletter is subscription-based. However, each video comes with a free minute or so to confirm the content, and if you subscribe for free, you get full access to one edition.
Nick’s Wanderings — The Grey Wagtail
More adventures on my narrowboat — The Grey Wagtail. This week, I do my first solo boating (no lock buddy on board) and tackle my first locks:
Useful Christmas Health Links
OK, so this week, here are some links that might be useful over the festive break.
To help you avoid poisoning yourself and your guests with a poorly cooked turkey:
And, if you do become ill with food poisoning, COVID-19 or the flu, you may find these health-related websites helpful:
NHS COVID-19 website — numerous links to information on COVID-19
CDC COVID-19 website — many links to information on COVID-19
NHS — Guidance for People with symptoms of a respiratory infection, including COVID-19
Next week
Next week, in issue 186 (38), it will almost be Christmas….
Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter, and please don't hesitate to share it with your friends or on social media using the buttons below.
If you want to thank me for the newsletter, why not buy me a cup of tea?
Until next time,
PS: If you would like to contribute something to the newsletter — a story, advice, or anything else — please get in touch.